Cumbria O&M Services (COMS) is pleased to announce that we have been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) Construction Professional Services agreement (RM6242). This achievement highlights our capability to deliver high-quality professional and technical construction services to the UK public sector. The Construction Professional Services agreement is a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) […]
Cumbria O&M Services Launch New Subsidiary, COMS Energy Ltd
Cumbria O&M Services is pleased to announce the creation of its new subsidiary, COMS Energy Ltd. This new company will mirror the capabilities of its parent company while focusing specifically on Commissioning and Completions within the energy sector. Supporting the new UK government’s plans to transition from a carbon intensive energy sector to becoming a clean […]
COMS Gain Corporate Partner Stauts with GNAAS
Throughout the last decade, COMS has not only achieved remarkable business success but has also significantly contributed to the West Cumbrian community. Over these ten years, COMS has donated nearly £40,000 to local charities and actively participated in social impact initiatives. Marking our 10th anniversary, we raised over £10,000 for the Great North Air Ambulance […]
Celebrating and Reflecting on a Decade of Success: The Story of Cumbria O&M Services
Celebrating and Reflecting on a Decade of Success: The Story of Cumbria O&M Services Company Background: Ten years ago, in 2014, Cliff Woodman and Dave Garratt laid the groundwork for what would become Cumbria O&M (Operations & Maintenance) Services (COMS). Their journey began earlier when Cliff sought new career opportunities after working in the pharmaceutical […]
COMS triumph as SME of the Year at Morgan Sindall Supply Chain Awards
We are thrilled to announce that Cumbria O&M Services Ltd (COMS) has been honoured with the prestigious SME of the Year award at the recent Morgan Sindall Supply Chain Awards. This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence in the industry. The awards ceremony provided a unique opportunity to join forces with […]
Resolve Engineered Solutions: Cumbrian SMEs Unite for Comprehensive Engineering Services
Cumbria Operations and Maintenance Services Ltd (COMS) is proud to announce its collaboration with three other Cumbrian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)—Forth Engineering, React Engineering, and PAR Systems—to launch a joint venture named ‘Resolve Engineered Solutions.’ This strategic partnership aims to provide end-to-end engineering services, bringing together the unique strengths and capabilities of each company. […]
A milestone to be proud of
Cumbria O&M Services (COMS) have reached a significant milestone by completing half a million hours of professional, skilled and efficient service to their valued customers without a lost time accident (LTA). COMS, are a Leading UK Provider of Operational, Maintenance and Engineering Services to the Nuclear Sector and Regulated Industries Nationwide. Based on the Westlakes Science […]

Part of a winning team
The winners of the 2022/23 Wave Awards have been announced and we are so proud to have played an integral part in one of the winning packages of work. Waves is an internal awards scheme set up by Sellafield Ltd to recognise and celebrate the work of employees, teams, and partners across the business. The […]
COMS builds on its success with local help
The purpose of COMS is to help businesses and organisations within regulated industries realise significant value from their assets, people and processes. We are growing in terms of client numbers and range, geographical reach and employee numbers. Doing that successfully, whilst maintaining our high standards of expertise, customer service and employee satisfaction plus staying true […]
Cumbrian firm secure new five year framework with Axiom
Cumbria O&M Services COMS, based at the Westlakes Science Park at Moor Row, have secured an extended; part of the The Design Services Alliance (DSA) at Sellafield Ltd. The alliance was first set up in 2012 with Sellafield Ltd as an alliance partner working as one team alongside AXIOM (a 4 entity joint venture […]